Health and nutritional advice
This is Angelika Kargulewicz, doctor of medical sciences and clinical nutritionist. On this channel, health and nutritional advice are are the leading topics. I will share my experience of working with patients who come to me with various metabolic disorders and diseases. You will find here videos on topics such as healthy diets, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, or weight loss. All my videos are based on scientific articles and proved evidence. So if you are interested in evidence-based dietetics and complementary medicine, I invite you to watch.
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This is Angelika Kargulewicz, doctor of medical sciences and clinical nutritionist. On this channel, health and nutritional advice are are the leading topics. I will share my experience of working with patients who come to me with various metabolic disorders and diseases. You will find here videos on topics such as healthy diets, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, or weight loss. All my videos are based on scientific articles and proved evidence. So if you are interested in evidence-based dietetics and complementary medicine, I invite you to watch.
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Health and nutritional advice
This is Angelika Kargulewicz, doctor of medical sciences and clinical nutritionist. On this channel, health and nutritional advice are are the leading topics. I will share my experience of working with patients who come to me with various metabolic disorders and diseases. You will find here videos on topics such as healthy diets, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, or weight loss. All my videos are based on scientific articles and proved evidence. So if you are interested in evidence-based dietetics and complementary medicine, I invite you to watch.
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